This Ape-ril, you can help protect orangutans in the wild,
where they belong. 

 Unleash your inner orangutan, share the campaign, and add your voice to the call for Sumatran orangutans and their precious rainforests to be protected.  You can make a real difference to the fate of this critically endangered species.


go ape

Grow a beard, try on a virtual orangutan mask, or share a selfie of you going wild for orangutans! Nominate friends to unleash their inner apes too. 


Whether you decide to run a virtual marathon, get sponsored to dye your beard orangutan-orange...or something a little less extreme, we'll support you every step of the way.


make a donation

Your contribution supports our work to protect and restore the orangutans' rainforest home in Sumatra, and rescue orangutans in danger.  

join us

Stay connected, find out how your support is making a difference, and add your voice to the urgent call to protect Sumatran orangutans and their rainforests.